2013년 12월 5일 목요일

MOML(Mobile Object Markup Language) Framework Introduce

1. Concept

MOML framework is a component based structure and mobile app development platform with Web technologies (XML, Function script)

2. Operation 

MOML framework converts the code into an intermediate code before converting it into the machine code. 
Each part of the code is interpreted and then execute separately in a sequence 

3. MOML application screenshot 

MOML framework(citrine) supports a variety of layout and many components, so
it's possible to easily develop an application .

4. Cross-platform framework

MOML framework(Citrine) is free (native )cross-platform framework library , support IOS, Android from same code base. 

5. wireless update

Application source files (moml + resource) can be embed into the device or is located on the server side

Citrine SDK Android 1.1.3 & iOS 1.1.3 release.

New version of Citrine SDK is released.
You can download the new version of sdk on the sdk download page.

Release note:
iOS & Android 1.1.3
- Improved script error message.
- Added script logical operator : and, or, not, eq, neq, gt, lt, ge, le
- Changed script '+' operator spec.

iOS 1.1.3
- Improved iOS7 compatability.


You can download the new version of sdk on the sdk download page.

* MoSPI site : www.mospi.org

2012년 12월 5일 수요일

Citrine SDK Android 1.0.7 & iOS 1.0.2 release.

New version of Citrine SDK is released.

Release note:

iOS 1.0.2
- Improves library & demo project compatability with Xcode 4.5.x

Android 1.0.7
- Changes Android SDK requirement. (recommanded minTarget: Googles APIs 2.3.3, API level 10)
- Added http object.
- Added device.network object.

You can download the new version of sdk on the sdk download page.

* MoSPI site : www.mospi.org

2012년 7월 25일 수요일

Citrine SDK Android 1.0.6 & iOS 1.0.1 release.

New version of Citrine SDK is released.

Release note:

iOS 1.0.1
- Added WEBVIEW element.
- Fixed floating point truncation error in the layout engine.

Android 1.0.6
- Fixed animation scale bug.
- Fixed orientation bug in landscape screen device.
- Changes WEBVIEW element attribute spec.


You can download the new version of sdk on the sdk download page.

* MoSPI site : www.mospi.org Release note:

2012년 6월 10일 일요일

Citrine SDK Android 1.0.5 & iOS 1.0.0 release.

New version of Citrine SDK is released.

iOS 1.0.0
- First public release.

Android 1.0.5
- Added AUTOFIT child element of APPLICATIONINFO element.
- Improves xpath performance.
- Fixed image cache unload delay bug.
- Fixed function script logical or operation bug.
- Changes DATAPATH default location spec.


You can download the new version of sdk on the sdk download page.

* MoSPI site : www.mospi.org 
Release note:

2012년 4월 25일 수요일

CitrineSDK 1.0.4 release.

New version of Citrine SDK is released.

Release note:
CitrineSDK 1.0.4 (Apr 24, 2012)

- Added xmlProcessing object.

- Added WEBVIEW element.

- Added DATASOURCELIST element.

- Improves data binding architecutre.

- Changes animation object function spec.

- Improves LIST item rendering.

- Added Eclipse MOML editor plugin.

You can download the new version of sdk on the sdk download page.

* MoSPI site : www.mospi.org 


CitrineSDK 1.0.3 release.

New version of Citrine SDK is released.

Release note:
CitrineSDK 1.0.3 (Mar 8, 2012)

- Added loadingEffect & loadingImg attribute.

- Improves image cache thread scheduler.

- Added MOMLlView.loadUrl function.
  (It is able to load UI XML without "applicationInfo.xml")

You can download the new version of sdk on the sdk download page.

 * MoSPI site : www.mospi.org


You can download the new version of sdk on the sdk download page.